Friday, August 30, 2013

Sail Into The Sun With Me

   Tonight I asked you what your favorite part of summer was and you gave me two answers. The first one was the night that we ditched josh and drove around all night. The second one was when we went on that walk at the park. The first time we parked in "our spot" and we fought over the fact that those were horses and definitely not donkeys. You are dumb. Haha (: and I'm clearly the smarter one. But really I loved both of those memories so much. I love how both of those were times when it was just me and you. I think those were the memories that we will really remember for a long time. The days where we just sat around and talked and we learned so much about each other. Those are the moments that made us best friends.
   I honestly just cant believe how close we became in such little time. I trust you so much. With my whole heart and I never ever want this friendship to end. You are such a blessing in my life and this summer would have been nothing without you. Anyways, miss you, love you.

   love, kels
 p.s. Don't mind the nasty picture again. Haha swimming, no makeup, wet hair, and its so late. This is just embarrassing. I'm pathetic.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'd Rather Be Anywhere But Here Without You

   Hey there! I'm assuming if you're reading this that I am either at college or on my way to Rexburg. Unless of course you somehow found out about this blog early...which I totally wouldn't be surprised about. (: Anyways the reason why I decided to do this is because I kinda thought this would be a cool going away gift. A really strange gift haha but hopefully a good one. I'm not really exactly sure what I'm going to write about but I'm going to write to you. So lets hope you enjoy this.
   Wanna know something I love most about you? I love how you enjoy things just because I enjoy them. For example, you walked around the pond at demeyer park looking for frogs with me because I used to frog hunt there growing up and you payed 50 bucks to go to the fair with me just because you knew how important it was to me. Even if you secretly hate doing something, you always make it fun for me. Gosh you must really love me. I'm kinda a lucky girl.
   Really though, I think the fair was my favorite night of summer. Even if I did get sick from that stupid zipper ride, it couldn't have been a more perfect night. The rides, those adorable horses, and holding your hand the whole night, I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the day with. I wish we could back to summer and that day but I have so much faith that we will be doing the same thing next summer and the summer after and the summer after that.
   So I decided I would add a picture for every night that I write on here. Haha so here's to post #1! p.s. it's 1 in the morning and I clearly have no makeup. Enjoy. ha.
   I love you.
love, Kels

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

high hopes and hippie bands

   Wow. This summer went by so fast. I can't believe I start college in two weeks from this Friday. Here comes all the mixed feelings. I should be excited for this new adventure, right? But for some reason I'm just not as excited as I thought I would be. 6 months ago I couldn't wait to be out of high school and doing my own thing. Now that I am at this point, I want nothing more than to just go back to high school.
   I'm going to BYU-I and I'm rooming with my sister. Yes, we will be in the same room. Hopefully that goes okay. I mean we are really close right now so lets hope it stays that way when, we are sharing not only a room but sharing everything... friends, clothes, and we even have a few classes together. We should be fine and I'm really thankful that I will have her there for support. It's probably going to be a little scary being away from home for the first time but maybe her being there will make me a little less home sick.
  So like I said above, it will be good to be with Katie (my sister) for support but there are a few things I'm worried about. Like, what if I don't fit in with her friends? I mean I could honestly say that Katie is the most perfect girl on the whole planet. She's a blonde, blue eyed babe and she is beautiful. When I say beautiful I mean like model status. Not only is she beautiful physically but she is the most real person. She stands up for herself and she sticks up for the ones she loves. She never says or acts a certain way to impress someone and she is so smart but at the same time, she is the biggest peace maker ever. She just knows how to make everyone happy and makes everything work. She never puts herself first and she is just an all around wonderful person. I am so thankful and blessed to have her as my sister but sometimes it's just hard to compete with her. I try to not look at it like that but sometimes I just feel like the lesser of the two. I can't complain because my life is like a little fairytale and I really do try to be positive but sometimes it's just hard. I really just hope that I won't feel like her shadow. I hope that I can make a name for myself and that people will love me just as much as her.
   With that being said, I better start packing up my room and saying my goodbyes. I have two weeks to spend with all the people I love most. Two weeks in my beautiful house and it almost feels like two weeks left of my childhood. It's time to spread my wings and follow my dreams, right? haha I guess I will try. Wish me luck. I'm gunna need it.